Did you know that "blog" originated as a blend of the words "web log"?
No matter how different we are, our lives encircle one like-item. That item is the internet. We could literally become hermits and do everything online (I’m sure some people do). When blogging opened up, the internet became a brand-spankin’ new place. We are able to share with millions, our ideas, stories, gossip, and entertainment with just some keystrokes and a quick hit of the ‘publish’ button.
I’m fairly sure that each blogger has their own motivations for joining the community. That is an aspect that sets all of us bloggers apart. I haven’t found my niche yet, my direction to this blog, but I love to write. I took a year of college courses for writing and I debate with myself all the time whether or not I want to continue that path. I like sharing my stories, especially about my kids, and I enjoy words. Words are my art. I don’t have much output-skill; I can’t draw for crap; I can’t even paint straight lines on my walls; I can hardly even cut a straight line. But I DO have creativity in my mind, and that’s why I’ve focused on creating things on the computer, and in writing.
Before I decide which blog-path to embark, I’m just writing about my journey in life.
The biggest aspect starts with my family. I love my family more than my words can actually express. I know that sounds cliché but it’s true. I have a terrific life and it’s because of my family. My husband is literally my other half, complementing me completely. My kids are amazing. Kien is a little brainiac and Brayden is sweet and adorable as can be. But they are also KIDS. Kien, who is five now, is no angel. He has his moments where I’d prefer to pretend he isn’t mine; all kids do, and only a delusional mother would not say the same about their children. Parents also know how humorous kids are, and I hope to share those stories via my blog so others might relate or just get a good giggle out of reading it. I’d love to brighten someone’s day just by doing one thing that I love. Just like how Kien brightens MY day when he reads me a new book, or Brayden lights up my world by laughing out of the blue.
I haven’t done a lot of it because it costs money, but I LOVE to craft. I love decorations. I like to make pretty things simply and cost-effective. That’s one aspect I hope to be able to share on my blog.
I only believe in baking from scratch, except a birthday cake, which I’ll use a boxed-mix and spruce up in various ways. My favorite dinners are ones that I can start and have on the table in 20 minutes or less. I’m a lazy cook and use boxed-macaroni and cheese or canned spaghetti sauce in countless dinners. I know that baking from scratch and shortcut dinners completely clash, but it works for me. I like to find shortcuts and easy recipes and I will share any awesome ones with you.
A huge and somewhat new kick in my life is my business. I started dabbling in graphic design around the time Kien was born, and then I started making our Christmas cards, birthday invitations, birth announcements, and also doing the same for my friends and family. After years of pushing from one of my best friends, I finally officially started “Created by Lyn”. Boring name huh? Once buying our first house, I got in major decorating-on-a-penny mode. That’s when I realized I can make super cute home décor items on the computer for just the cost of the print (either at home or at a photo center) and a picture frame. VOILA, Created by Lyn HOME was established. My printer broke last year so I didn’t super-pursue that aspect because I didn’t want to sell something that I had printed at Costco. Well I finally bought a – very nice – printer so I am in business! WOO HOO! Thanks to my cheap-ass wanting pretty earrings but not wanting to shell out the cash for them, I finally got supplies to make my own earrings. Once I perfect my technique, Created by Lyn ACCESSORIES shall be birthed. I’m also going to start to learn knitting, that will be fun :)
I have a great support system in my friends and family. Family also includes a large part of my 120+ aunts, uncles, and cousins. I have a unique and strong arrangement friends who have been around for the long-haul and I don’t see going anywhere. Two of my absolute best friends live away, but distance has no effect on a true friendship. Not that I’d want to, but I can go an endless amount of time without seeing any one of my friends but I know that when I finally see them again, the time apart will have no affect on us, except that we’ll have a lot of catching up to do :)
Holy-canoly this is going on-and-on. How do I wrap it up? Right now MyDizzyDaisies is about life; things, events, or people that actually impact my adventure. I’m a wife and mom trying to get a small business off the ground from home; it’ll be a great adventure, and I’d like to be able to share it with whoever wants to follow along. Maybe someone can even get something out of it. Even if it’s a little smile, my work here has been a success.
(At the risk of sounding like a hippy) Peace, Love, and Happiness because everything else is a waste of precious time <3
oooo I can't wait for craft tutorials from you!